Golden Seamoss gel with blue spurlina
Golden Seamoss gel with blue spurlina
A complete nutrient profile to give you all the minerals you need. BlueSpirulina is also an alge containing high amounts of b vitamins, bita kerosine, vitamin e, potassium, antioxidants and essential amino acids. The golden sea moss contains 97 essential minerals boosts energy levels, regulates appetite, boosts immune system and thyroid health, clears respiratory system, frees the body of mucus. Anti inflammatory. Increases libido. Promotes healthy hair, skin. Our semoss is lightly sweetened with agave nectar that contains trace amounts of specific vitamins like vitamins C and B, as well as minerals, including potassium, calcium and selenium. agave has a low glycemic index making a a superior sweetener to refined sugars. Amazing for building metabolism, and regulating bowel movements (you will have the best poop in your life!)